Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Obsession research... stalking 101

I wanted to share some research I've done on stalking. 

In my upcoming book Obsession Jillian is stalking Alexandria Stevens a romance novelist. I had to research different types of stalking so I could understand her better. This is a very scary but real subject matter.

Here is what I'm basing Jillian's character after:

Simple Obsession: This type of stalker has some previous or current personal or romantic relationship with the victim. These include all intimate partner cases, as well as intimate and casual dating relationships, co-workers, and casual friends. Rejection often triggers this type of stalking. Stalkers turn to threats and violence as a means of reestablishing control of the victim.

 Acquaintance Stalking: The stalker and victim may know each other casually, either through formal or informal contact. For example, they may be co-workers or neighbors, or they may have dated once or twice but were not sexual partners.

The Rejected: As a result of a relationship dissolution (i.e. estrangement, disruptions, break-ups) from an ex-partner (but inclusive of a parent, friend, or work associate) this type of stalker can be observed desiring a mixture of reconciliation and revenge. This individual often experiences feelings of loss, frustration, anger, jealousy, malevolence, and depression.

The Resentful : The goal of this stalker is to frighten and distress the victim. These stalkers may also experience feelings of injustice and desire revenge.

During my research I was shocked to find out the different types of stalking that takes place. Many fall into several categories and are driven by different emotions. With the amount of social networking sites, we need to remember to be careful. You never really know who is on the other side of the computer.

Obsession will be released Spring 2012 by Midnight Magic Press


Information Source : Types of Stalkers